Sunday, August 29, 2010

Drew Carey Reverses Type 2 Diabetes The Hard Way

 It's an interesting phenomenon that Drew Carey's diabetes seems to have left him once he started eating in a healthier way. Doctors keep telling us that there's no cure for diabetes, but I have personally seen many people completely reverse their symptoms by changing their lifestyle. Are we to say that they didn't really have diabetes in the first place? The article below addresses tthis subject
   . . . June

Drew Carey Reverses Type 2 Diabetes “The Hard Way”

Hollywood is currently a-twitter with the news that Price Is Right star Drew Carey ran away (literally!) from Type 2 diabetes and is now “a new man.”

'I'm not diabetic anymore. No medication needed,' Carey crowed recently. And my, how the entertainment blogs are having a field day with the story. Blogosphere rants are saying things like: “He’s a goddamn liar, because there’s no cure for diabetes!”"

Most doctors maintain there’s no cure, as well.
But here's Drew Carey nonetheless. Symptoms gone. Completely off medications. What more do you need in order to call him cured? Critics claim he’s not really cured. That he’s just "managing his symptoms without drugs."(That's the prevailing medical belief, too.) The only way he'd really be cured, they feel, is if he was able to pig-out on his old diet of donuts, KFC and Big Slurpee’s -- the one that gave diabetes in the first place.
This is crazy. Why should he have immunity to the junky foods that are giving thousands of people Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes every single day? That's not a cure; that's a miracle. My definition of a cure would be anything that returns a diabetic’s metabolic functions to normal without the ongoing need for drugs. In short, a second chance.

Which is what Drew Carey achieved
Now that he's done it, maybe the medical community -- and the 80 million Americans with Type 2 and prediabetes -- will see that the solution to today's diabetes epidemic is right under our nose.

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